This old Dutch expression means to say that equipment allows that the drink be served in as short time as possible.Naturally happening by a professional bar, of a large scale,one would encounter all the equipment and aids that would be necessary for the trade.
This chapter would also allow those fanatic hobbyists at home to be able to impress and suprise those guests at home. For this endeavour, it does not mean that one would have to own an exceptional array of equipment, but rather the following basic essentials: A standard shaker, wich can be obtained from (multitude) of stores, at a relatively low cost.
For those with an over-zealous nature, there is always the possibility that one could obtain a rather beautiful, and costly shaker from either a jumble scale, or from an antique dealer, but this would take a bit of leg-work. In this manner, it is possible that unique and rather exceptional shaker could be purchased.
Boston shaker
The difference between the boston shaker and the american shaker? There is continuosly a discussion between those tradesmen as to which name belongs which shaker. The boston shaker is originally a shaker that consists of two (mostly silver) cup-like containers, which match and join each other perfectly. You would notice much the same applies to the                           , however one of the silver "cups" is replaced with a glass, and the other "cup" is manufactured of stainless steel. Due to the differences of opinion, we can make reference to both of the above as the boston shaker.
"American shaker"
The best know shaker, amongst the un-informed, is de standard shaker (earlier recognised by America, as the                           produced mainly from silver, and first patented in Chicago in 1877). The standard shaker is used mainly for the creation of cocktails which consist of either milk or cream, and is thus also referred to as the
old style shaker
cream shaker
Mixing glass
After the shaker, this is an important tool, and many of the calssic cocktails areprepared with this. The mixing glass also allow for the stirring of translucent drinks be done carefully, and correctly. The glass portion of the boston shaker could, of course, also be used for this purpose, but it would be preferable to have an original                     .
"mixing glass"
Bar Sieve / Strainer
Due to the fact that the boston shaker does not come equipped with a             , as you would find in the standard shaker, it is recommended that one of these be obtained as well. These strainers are very useful, yet, at the same time quite appealing to behold, instrument and is customarily produced from silveror stainless steel. On the under-side of the strainer is a coil, which is quite flexible. The index finger of one hand is used to keep the strainer in position while pouring the drink. The strainer schould placed on top of the shaker/mixing glass, so as to with-hold the solids therein, and thus allowing the liquid to be poured into the appropriate glass-ware for this drink, it is sneered upon to make use of two hands while doing this
To make the maximum use of the mixing glass, the                 , is essential. According to varying applications, and shapes, the bar spoon could be manufactured from either, showy silver, practical stainless steel, or handy plastic. To stir the cocktail, with all the ingredients, and the varying heights of the mixing glasses, the length of the spoon can be a deciding factor.
"bar spoon"
In the modern bar, an electric blender is an unavoidable part of your equipment. Blenders are used namly fot tropical cocktails, where by fruit must be processed, which is aided by the high-speed blades of the blender. Apart from the speed and effciency of this apparatus, as many as three to four cocktails can be mixed, and prepared at once. Further to this, the blender is appreciated when making the likes of traditional cocktails whichare served with crushed ice as their basis. An example of this would be the Pina Colada, and the appearance, and texture can be determined by the length of time which the cocktail would be subjected to the motorished blades.
Citrus squeezer
Due to the common request for freshly squeezed citrus juices, a lemon squeezer, (either electric, or manual) can be very handy. It is especially handy to keep a small hand held squeezer at arms length, for the added flavour of a little lime/lemon juice.
Ice fun
A standing rule is theat a cocktail may not beserved, unless it is cold
Ice is also one of those essentials at the cocktail bar.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . It is recommended that partially crushed ice is used in the blender, so as not to damage the blades of the blender. Whileitis accepted that many drinks are served using ice, it is ideal not to have too much of a melted end result. From a hygienic point of view, it is accepted that ice tongs be used for manipulating the ice blocks.
The following are also required to complete the standard equipment of a bartender: "jigger" which would allow for the correct measurment of ingredients'liquid volume; a small fruit knife; a cutting board; salt&peper cellars; cork-screw; fruit basket; paper serviettes; or coasters; straws; and pourers.
Mixing glas
ice fun
Citrus squeezer
Citrus squeezer
Standard shaker
Boston shaker
Bar zeef

With professional bartenders, you would find at least one of two varieties of shakers,of which the Boston Shaker is arguable the most famous, and most important (Some make use of the American shaker, as opposed to the Boston shaker). The Standard Shaker is the second shaker.